January 13, 2025

Welcome to Post 77!

About the Post

In this era of both instant communication and multiple deployments to far-flung locations, JWV has established its first online Post to accommodate the needs of today’s military and veterans. Through our online Post, Jewish service members and veterans in even the most remote locations will be able to join with their comrades in a virtual Post that will promote the JWV ideal to be of “greater service to our country and to one another,” as outlined in the preamble to the JWV Constitution. The new virtual Post is named after two American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country: DC3 Nathan Bruckenthal of the Coast Guard, who died in Iraq on April 24, 2004, and 1st LT Roslyn Schulte of the Air Force, who died in Afghanistan on May 20, 2009.

National Commander

Gary Ginsburg

Gary Ginsburg is a Life Member both of JWV and of the National Museum of American Jewish Military History. He also is part of a JWV family membership tradition that spans three generations in upstate New York including Syracuse and Rochester.

Gary, as JWV National Vice Commander, has focused on increasing membership, veterans advocacy and sustaining the JWV tradition as a strong voice against hatred, bigotry and anti-Semitism.

He has represented JWV at numerous local, state and national events including partnerships with Jewish organizations and community leaders and with other military and veteran service organizations. Gary also has supported JWV department commanders and post commanders, the JWV Ladies Auxiliary, the National Museum of American Jewish Military History and numerous JWV committees.

Other contributions by Gary have included providing stories to the JWV national publication, The Jewish Veteran, authoring resolutions on veterans earned benefits; and over the last three years be bas motivated and inspired several Jewish West Point Cadets and future Army leaders to join JWV.

In addition to his participation in JWV, Gary serves on the Syracuse University Veterans Advisory Council and is the JWV Representative to the Rochester-Monroe County Veterans Advisory Committee. He earned the President’s Volunteer Service Award Gold Level in 2017 and 2018 for assisting transitioning veterans in New York at Fort Drum, at Rochester, at Syracuse and at West Point. He also has advocated for this country’s 18 million veterans when meeting with local, state and Federal officials.

Gary’s 33-year military career, the last 29 in the US Army Reserve, concluded with three assignments as Command Sergeant Major or Senior Enlisted Advisor on the battalion or brigade level for medical, engineering and personnel services units in addition to four previous Sergeant Major staff assignments. Over his career, Gary earned numerous military and civilian awards and he received local, state and national volunteer service recognition.

His education includes a Bachelor of Science degree from Syracuse University and a graduate degree [ using the GI Bill] from the University of Southern California. He lives in Webster, New York, near Rochester.

Get in touch with National Commander Ginsburg at nationalcmdr@jwv.org.

National Vice Commander

Scott Stevens

Scott P. Stevens, a member of the Jewish War Veterans (JWV) National Executive Committee (NEC) and Past Commander of the Department of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma (TALO), has dedicated a lifetime of service to JWV since becoming a Life Member in 2012.

Scott has held many leadership positions in JWV. On the National level, be serves on the NEC, the National Action Committee, the National Constitution & Bylaws Committee where he was a key member in performing a total revision of the Constitution and Bylaws, the National Court, the Information Technology Committee and the National Membership Committee where be updated the JWV Membership Application and the Installation Warrant Form. He serves as Chair of the National Convention Credentialing and Registration Committee.

Scott is a member of the Board of Directors for the National Museum of American Jewish Military History. He also has served on its Programs and Exhibits Committee.

Scott served as Department Commander from 2018 to 2020; and prior to that as Department Senior Vice Commander and Department Junior Vice Commander. He was the TALO Membership Committee Chair from 2020 to 2022.

For the Maurice Kubby Post 749 in El Paso, Texas, he has served as the Post Commander four times, Senior Vice Commander twice and Junior Vice Commander.

His military career started in February 1974- as an E-1 and was assigned as a HAWK Missile Battery Launcher Crewman. Over the next seven-plus years he was promoted to Sergeant First Class (E-7).

At 16 years of service, he applied for Warrant Officer and was assigned as a Patriot Missile Tactician/ Technician. Prior to retirement at 30 years, Scott attained the rank of Chief Warrant Officer 4, and served as a Brigade Senior Patriot Missile Tactics and Systems Maintenance Trainer/Evaluator.

He has deployed for Operations Desert Shield/Storm and for Operation Enduring Freedom. During a deployment to Israel for Operation Juniper Cobra, he was a member of the 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade assisting in integrating US and IDF Patriot Air and Missiles Defense Systems and US Navy Aegis Missile System for the Tactical Ballistic Missile defense of Israel.

His military awards include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal 2nd award, Army Commendation Medal 7th award, Army Achievement Medal 5th award, Valorous Unit Award, National Defense Service Medal with three Bronze Service Stars, Southwest Asia Service Medal and the Kuwait Liberation Medal.

Scott was born in Cocoa Beach, Florida, in 1957. He and Bonny have been married since 1977 (47 years). They have two sons and five grandsons. He is a past Honorary Warrant Officer of the 6th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, past Vice President of the Sun City Chapter of the US Army Warrant Officer Association (1997–1998), and served as President of Congregation Temple Mount Sinai in El Paso, Texas, from 2003 to 2005.

We wish Ginsburg and Stevens a successful year!